Nutrition For Healthy Pregnancy
Nutrition for healthy pregnancy doesn’t have to be complicated. It does have to be whole and natural. What do I mean by that?
A healthy pregnancy needs lots of protein in the form of both meat and legumes, vegetables, fruits and grains.
There are many restrictive diets being sold to women as “healthy”. Cutting out a food group is unwise even if you are not pregnant. Now that you are expecting it’s even more important to get a variety of foods. Let’s look at Nutrition for healthy pregnancy.

Background – Dr Brewer – Nutrition For Pregnancy
In the 1940’s Dr Tom Brewer went against what was the accepted “science” concerning nutrition and healthy pregnancy. Back then pregnant women were encouraged to stay thin. Now we know they were not getting the nutrition they needed to make healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. Dr Brewer encouraged women to eat plenty of protein, vegetables and fruits. He became pretty famous. Women were no longer anemic. He claimed his patients had much lower rates of preeclampsia and the babies were healthier than babies of moms on restrictive diets.

Learn more about the health benefits of gardening and get some good tips and instruction too.
Dr Brewer eventually married Gail Sforza and you can find some lovely books written by her.
Highly Recommended Nutrition For Pregnancy
I have researched the Brewer diet and I highly recommend it. You will have less morning sickness and, yes, a lower rate of preeclampsia. Ask your midwife about the Brewer diet.
Today – What Is The Brewer Diet?
To answer that I had reached out to Ashlie Walston of Christian Ladies Natural Living. Here is her experience with the Brewer Diet for nutrition for pregnancy:
Brewer’s Diet Post By Ashlie Walston
A Pregnant And Nursing Mummy’s View On The Brewer’s Diet – Nutrition For Healthy Pregnancy
As a mother of a toddler boy and still nursing him while I’m currently 7 weeks pregnant at the beginning of this writing I needed a way to still have energy to complete the three tasks…. Grow a new little life, nurse my 8 month old while still being able to accomplish daily tasks of running a home and you know losing baby weight would be a bonus.
I came across the Brewer’s diet at my first prenatal appointment with my midwife. She gave me a few papers on it and told me the basics on how to apply it, saying she preferred her mothers to be on this meal plan.
Nutrition For Pregnancy Can Seem Confusing….
It was honestly confusing and a complex diet plan that causes daily brainstorming and math. The website I looked at was very basic and didn’t offer as much information as I had hoped. I constantly fretted through my pregnancy if I was consuming the right proteins and carbs while avoiding all sugar.
I don’t think a pregnant woman should ever worry this much about a diet and concluded it just wasn’t realistic. But I was wrong.
The Brewer Diet wasn’t as hard as my pregnant brain thought it was, and it wasn’t as expensive as I first assumed either.
I splurged and bought all of Gail Sforza Brewer books concerning pregnancy and diet. This is definitely not necessary for the average mum but for one who enjoys research and overwhelming herself with knowledge it was just the beginning…..
The Science For Simple Nutrition For Healthy Pregnancy
The science behind it…… what if I told you that you could avoid high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, low progesterone, high estrogen, thyroid malfunction and underweight births during pregnancy with a simple pill at just $40 a month? You would in no doubt take it wouldn’t you? Because it’s easy.
Now, what if I told you if you followed a meal plan that is flexible, allows you to have desserts and a well balanced meal that could remove all your prenatal supplements and most of your vitamins and would remove all of those problems too. Would you take that?
Wellllll…. Now it includes cooking time and sounds expensive. Not when you calculate how much you will spend on hospital visits, shots and extra care you may need. But my insurance covers it you argue. But how much does insurance cost? If you sat down and did the math I believe you would find that you have been caught up in the Americans delusion of “better.” The “time” it would take you to go to all those extra appointments and doctor visits you could simply spend cooking instead.

We Are Wonderfully Created For Natural Nutrition
Your body is an amazing organism and if fed properly it can function just as God intended. What you eat during pregnancy is proven to affect your unborn child.
So many new allergies are around today that would never have existed if our parents and grandparents stayed eating healthy. A study was done…the book containing it now evades me… but the study was of a tribe of women never exposed to processed foods all had child bearing bodies. Little to no health problems related to child bearing and live births with 0.01% stillbirth or SIDS.
But for the average American woman on the average American diet the difference in results change dramatically. If I remember which source the study came from I will add it at the end of this writing. Finally, it is well worth changing your mindset to better eating and surprising yourself on how much you can save.
Where To Start – How Do I Do The Brewer Diet?
Nutrition For Healthy Pregnancy
Where to start? The brewers diet consists of whole foods, naturally grown meats (I shall note here they offer vegetarian options as well as some vegan options though it is not as highly preferred.), organic or non pesticides and natural sugars.
It also mentions the importance of daily sweat caused by exercise. Fresh air, pure water and grounding.
Start simply by changing some foods out. Instead of your white breads, pick out whole grain wheat breads. Fat free skimmed dairy is not healthy. Vitamin D is fat soluble – meaning it needs fat to work in your body. Choose whole fats and raw milks from trusted farmers. Instead of an Oreo….. try peaches in cream sweetened with maple syrup. The options are honestly endless and so much more yummy, while surprisingly easy, quick and simple to prepare. An example meal can look like this:
Sample Meal Plan
- Breakfast
- Tropical oranges
- two fresh eggs
- Sausage links 2-3
- Raisin toast
- one glass of whole milk
- Lunch
- Cream of tomato soup
- Grilled cheese sandwich on whole wheat grain bread
- Green bean salad
- Sweet tea sweetened by honey
- Snacks
- Salted nuts
- Cantaloupe wedges
- Dinner
- Salad nicoise
- Bouillabaisse
- Garlic bread
- Dessert
- Cream puff
- Milk
(Some of these recipes mentioned you may have never heard of. A simple trip to google will enlighten you!)
So Much Food!
Nutrition for Healthy Pregnancy
Now your first thought may be like mine.. How do I eat so much?! The secret???? They are not big portions; it’s a few spoonfuls of each item that make a well rounded meal. It’s not 5 white bread sandwiches that hold no health benefits but actual proteins, fats, omegas and minerals. And it’s not huge meals that fill your plate like mountains, but a well balanced meal.
You will discover this 80-120 gram protein diet is easy to accomplish by simply chopping out unnecessary carbs and high sugar choices. You will discover each body responds differently to the diet when done correctly.
Salt Is Not Your Enemy
Salt things as needed…… Many of you probably heard the complete opposite at your doctor’s office and may gasp or roll your eyes at this information. “Don’t eat so much salt, it makes you retain water.” And what is something a pregnant woman wants? Salt.
God made a woman’s body so complex and amazing that when you consume salt, adding it to taste at each meal. Your body creates a built in IV that holds water for when you are in labor, building up resources for the liquid you will lose during and after delivery. Being well hydrated keeps you from having collapsed veins – which is what doctors fear – and the reason when you go to the hospital or birthing centers they put an IV line in before anything starts to make sure they can adequately help the unhealthy and improperly prepared.
You will weigh yourself and gasp at “weight you’ve gained”. Your blood vessels expand so much during pregnancy to allow more blood flow to your breasts and stomach. Ladies need to stop saying they can only gain 24 pounds of weight during pregnancy and allow God to use their body to accurately create a healthy life. “After they are done creating the child and finished breast feeding they can focus on getting their body back” doctor Gail Brewer stated “but during pregnancy and feeding they are not to be concerned about the weight they may or may not gain on this diet.”
God created our bodies so perfectly that if we eat appropriately and with proper portions we can function wonderfully.
Exercise Goes Hand And Hand With Nutrition For Healthy Pregnancy
An important part of this meal plan is exercise as well. BREAKING A SWEAT. You don’t have to go jogging all day or jump rope for half the day. You can garden, accomplish cleaning and chase the family dog down for a much needed bath. Anything that causes you to break and hold a sweat for 20-30 minutes a day.
Be sure you don’t use any antiperspirants so that your body can sweat freely and detox. If you feel stinky after your work out you can easily clean with your modern showers that have endless amounts of water and apply your powder spelling deodorants after.
Keeping Hydrated For Healthy Pregnancy
Drink when thirsty. Something that is pressed in the Brewer’s diet is to drink water when thirsty. Never use water to quench hunger to avoid “eating again” just one or two hours after a meal.
Remember snacks! Nuts, fruit with a fat (example: apple with cheddar cheese or banana with peanut butter) and the like is highly favorable during this time. This helps with balancing your needs. Water is needed to stay hydrated. If you pee clear you are getting enough, if it is yellow getting another glass in when you are able.
Try to avoid chugging water during meal time as it can be a cause poor digestion. Rather sip water slowly would be ideal instead.
Written By Ashlie R. Walston – Christian Ladies Natural Living
For more resources you can read books written by Gail Sforza Brewer-
- The truth about diet and drugs in pregnancy- what every pregnant woman should know.
- The Brewer’s diet for normal and high-risk pregnancy(a leading obstetrician’s nutrition guide for every stage of pregnancy).
- Nine months, nine lessons
Another good recourse is By Marilyn M. Shannon-
- Fertility, cycles & nutrition.
The Inspired Birth Pro also has some resources.
Check out Ashlie’s Facebook Group Christian Ladies Natural Living
A note from Joanne:
It is truly AMAZING how far removed most women are from good, natural healthy eating. We have been duped into destroying our digestion and immune systems by companies selling processed, chemical-laden food and pills that often do as much harm as good. You can start to experience vitality now.

A simple way to get started is with my Guid to Self-Care for a Healthy Gut. It doesn’t sound like much, but it can be transformative. Check it out here.
Let Ashlie know what you think or what questions you have by leaving a comment.