How to Create a Morning Routine that Unlocks Potential

Have you ever wondered how to create a morning routine that unlocks potential for your day? How you wake up and what you do with that first bit of time makes an enormous difference in how you spend the REST of your life.
You see each minute of your life can only be spent once; so spend it well right from the start.
Maybe you struggle to get out of bed and hit that snooze button until the last moment when you are forced to fly out of bed and rush through the morning grudgingly getting ready for work or other obligations. Maybe it’s not that bad but you’re not rising each morning with intention either.
For most of my life I’ve been the person who woke up before the alarm went off and already had a vision in my mind for the day. But there were long seasons of wishing I could stay in bed or, more likely for me, getting up with no real plan. Sure, I knew I would go to work but I didn’t have a vision of how the day should look. I got through the day only to come home and go to bed and do it all over again. At those times, even though I had a rewording job, my life lacked vision and my worked just got done instead of thriving and growing. Those days tended to be chaotic which only deepened my lack of vision. I needed to create a morning routine that unlocked my potential.

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If you start your day without vision you will get chaos and fail to move toward your best goals.
Speaking of which, do you have a goal list?
You might think of it as a bucket list, but it should be more than that.
What are your biggest dreams?
What are the things you wish you could do if only
You had the time
Had the money
The education
The talent

How to Make your vision or Goal List:
Make sure you think both big and small and take time to write them all down. It might seem strange to write what looks impossible right now but writing them down brings your dreams closer to goals and your goals closer to reality. Keep your list somewhere where you can review it.

Which of those items can be broken down to smaller goals?
For instance, If you want to sail around the world some day, do you know anything at all about sailing? Plan a short step to that goal like reading about sailing or watching videos on line. Start saving money, even if it’s small change, for a trip or a class.
Your goal may be far in the future but :
if you treat your dreams like they will never happen, they won’t.
The Miracle Morning
In his best selling book, The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod recommends using the mnemonic S.A.V.E.R.S. to rise above the mediocracy that up to 95% of people live in. Hal writes, “Every time you hit the snooze button, you’re in a state of resistance to your day, to your life, and to waking up and creating the life you say you want.”
He goes on to recommend we set out intentions before bed. When you go to bed remind yourself of the life you wish you had. Remind yourself of why you want it. Most likely, when you wake up this will be your first thought. Take a few minutes to thank God for giving you both challenges and opportunities. Take some slow deep breaths and rest in the thought of His care.
When you wake up remember to stretch you muscles. This takes a couple seconds; just stretch out and then pull each knee to your chest once then both. Then spend at least one minute in thanking God for waking you up to a new day and a new beginning with real potential for living up to your very highest goals. If He put those desires in your heart, He will lead you to them.
The S in S.A.V.E.R.S. is for silence.
This can be prayer, meditation or other way of quietly focusing on your purpose in YOUR life.
Now That You Are Out of Bed What Do You Do?
The Miricale Morning then instructs brushing teeth (yes please do), drinking a full glass of water and dressing in your workout clothes. How often do you not take that walk or not exercise because you don’t want to change your clothes? If you dress in your workout clothes you have half the battle won. Maybe it’s winter and it’s dark in the morning. At least find something to do for at least one minute. One minute of jogging in place won’t take any weight off but it will help you think more clearly and give motivation to your day. One minute is better than no minutes.
The A. in SAVERS is affirmation.
Write your goal on a card and keep it by the bed. When you wake up read your goal out load. It might go something like “I was born to sail around the world and I am learning to sail.” or ” I am becoming a successful ______________”
The V is for visualization.
You can’t really aim for what you have no vision for. Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” If you feel like you are perishing in a rut, it might be because you need vision. Take one minute and visualize yourself working through your day. Think about each important step. Pay special attention to how you will work toward your big goals today.
Be careful to avoid saying “I don’t have time.” or “I’m too tired”. these are dangerous words that will hold you back. Even if you have to make 5 or 10 minutes right now before it gets pushed out of your day, do one thing for your dreams today. This is where breaking down your big dreams into smaller and smaller pieces comes into play. Think of the small successes like compound interest. Tiny positive steps turn into fulfilled dreams. Tiny negative steps turn into regret.
E is for the exercise noted above
“The more creative you are, the more excuses you can come up with.” The Miracle Morning. I know I have been pretty creative at times. Exercise means more than your work. Your work might make you tired but, unless it gets your heart rate up, it isn’t going to give you the mental and physical health and energy you need. I usually have a good workout routine early in the morning. If I’m especially busy though I might end up jogging in place or dancing in the kitchen while I wait for my toast or coffee. It’s important to let your body and mind know that sleeping time is over. Now is the time to seize your dreams.
R is for reading.
Yup, you should start your day reading something worthwhile and NO social media does not count. I highly recommend a regular Bible reading habit and the YouVersion app has almost limitless reading and study plans that can take from about a minute a day to much longer. If you are not a Bible reader spend a few minutes reading something that is worth reading. Look for reading material that will strengthen and challenge you. I also think some of your reading time should be spent focusing on your big goal.
Last, S is for scribe.
Keeping a journal has been a practice of successful people for centuries. Who knows you may get to publish your memoirs someday. A journal is also a great place to write about your dreams and goals. “By getting your thoughts out of your head and putting them in writing, you gain valuable insights you’d otherwise never see.” The Miracle Morning
This may sound like a lot, but you can start with 10 minutes in the morning. I encourage your to increase the time as you are able. Check out your local library or bookstore for The Miracle Morning it’s worth the read.
So that’s about it for how to create a morning routine that unlocks potential. But don’t leave it there.
Remember to close your day successfully as well. At the end of the day remind yourself of your vision, your goals and dreams. Put down the electronics and repeat the S for silence. Really all of the miracle morning (except for heavy exercise near bedtime) would make a great way to officially close your day.
Practicing good sleep hygiene is important for success. Turn off electronics a couple hours before bed. Yes, some people find them useful for relaxing but studies show they tend to cause restless sleep. At least wear glasses to block the blue light. Here is a post on improving energy by improving sleep: Improve Your Energy Level: Sleep. Sleep in a quiet and dark room. Be regular in your habits.
So end your day with a plan for the morning and start each day with the intention of a life well spent. Create a routine that unlocks your potential and your dreams.

Loved this post, Joanne! I was nodding my head with every point. The small steps mentioned reminded me of “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” Zechariah 4:10 I so agree that each of us needs a personal vision for our day (preferably the night before). And I love the photographs; they are so beautiful!
Thank you Laurie. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I have found the consistency of following the vision God has given me to be life changing. Being fervent in spirit means taking control of our goals, emotions and plans and putting them to good use. This first few minutes of the day and the last ones of the evening set the pattern for me.