Witnesses of His Power:
Finding Emotional Health & Balance Through the Spirit Read Acts 1:1-8 and meditate on verse 8 as you think about being a witness for His…
Finding Emotional Health & Balance Through the Spirit Read Acts 1:1-8 and meditate on verse 8 as you think about being a witness for His…
Understanding Leviticus will richly bless your understanding of the Bible and your relationship with Christ who was all consumed for us.
Genesis 12:1-3 1Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto…
My daughter is planning a wedding. She will be getting married and moving away. We recently had her shower at a local lavender farm. It…
The glorious promise of a new day. A new beginning. May we look beyond the chill and fog of the day and go forth in…